Please sign up for our Remind by texting MKIDSVBS to 81010. We will remind you about VBS as we approach the week and give you important updates about VBS during the week.


Register for VBS

Sunday, July 7th - Thursday, July 11th

5:15 - 8:15 PM

NIGHTly schedule


5:15 - 5:45 PM (Christian Center)

Each night we will have dinner for the children and their leaders from 5:00 - 5:45 PM! 
The menus are still to be determined.

Registration / Check-In

5:15 - 5:45 PM (Christian Center)

The safety of your children is our priority, so each night children will need to be checked in at the start of the evening and checked out at the end. We do this to make sure every child goes home with the person who is supposed to be picking them up. We will also have security on campus the entire week to keep the kids safe.

LArge group time

5:50 - 6:20 PM (Worship Center)

This is a time filled with games, music, the Bible Story, memory verse and much more! Children will be in their groups with their group leaders and will have a fun time together!

Small group Time

6:23 - 6:53 PM (Small Group Rooms)

Kids will be separated into groups based on the grade level that they have completed. They will spend time with their group all week long while learning about how important they are to Jesus! Small groups will go to their individual rooms to do some more age focused activities and games and learn more about the Bible Story for that day! 


6:56 - 8:02 PM (Stations)

Each group will go to three stations each night: recreation, crafts, and music! At recreation, they will get to play fun games together. At crafts, kids will put together a craft that relates to that days Bible story. At music, they will get to learn the great songs they will be singing all week (and probably throughout the year)!

Closing large group time

8:05 - 8:15 PM (Worship Center)

Finally, kids will come back together one final time to sing a couple more songs and be reminded of the days main point, before being checked out and picked up by whomever is supposed to be picking them up that evening.

Giving Competition

There will be some competition of course! All week long, groups can earn points by bringing their bible, bringing a friend, and by bringing in different items for our mission project! Our mission project is still to be determined, but you can check back here to see once it's ready.

Theme nights

Each night we will have a dress up theme for our kids and leaders to have a little extra fun! Below are those themes:

  • Sunday: Slumber Party (Pajama Day)
  • Monday: Square Dance Day (Country Day)
  • Tuesday: At the Disco (Decades Day)
  • Wednesday: The Rave (Neon Day)
  • Thursday: Beach Party (Wear clothes to water slide in!)

family night

On the last night we are going to have Family Night! We would love to invite the families of all the kids who have been at VBS for the week to join us on Thursday evening! We will have a catered meal for all parents and an opportunity to hear a little about Meadowdale at 6:00 PM.  Then, our closing ceremony will begin at 7:40 that night and parents are invited to attend! We will have some final thoughts from the week and find out our missions competition winner! As soon as we are done with the last closing ceremony everyone will be invited to join us outside for an AWESOME surprise (hint: it involves water slides!) and snacks! Make sure your child is dress in a way that it is okay for them to get wet! 

daily themes

Day 1 - Jesus is a good reason to have a party Day 2 - Everyone is invited to the party Day 3 - Celebrate the Good News Day 4 - Jesus is the life of the party Day 5 - You can be a party starter